Surf excel matic front load laundry detergent is the no.1 matic detergent and is recommended by leading washing machine manufacturers;Surf excel matic front load laundry detergent dissolves ...
New Surf Excel matic liquid front load washing detergent gives you 100 percent stain removal in washing machines;Faster stain removal in machines new Surf Excel matic liquid ...
Tough stain removal in machine with Surf excel matic;Surf excel matic top load is designed to work in high water level (40 liters) of top load washing ...
New & Improved Ariel Matic gives you tough stain removal for a bright clean in just 1 wash. Especially designed to be used in top loading machines, Ariel Matic ...
Ariel Matic provides tough stain removal for a bright clean in 1 wash, inside the machine
Ariel Matic Detergent Powder and Liquid is specially designed ...
Product 1: Provides deep down cleaning and long-lasting freshness.
Product 2: Ariel Matic Liquid Detergent provides bright cleaning by removing tough stains in just 1 ...